msgfmt -c <nomine del file PO>
Esque tu vole adjutar e contribuer al projecto Slint? Benvenite a bordo!
The work needed to provide Slint’s products mainly consists in translating and reviewing shell scripts, that make up Slackware’s installers and administration tools, and documentation intended for Slackware users taking the form of text files or manual pages.
Idealmente, nos desirarea que traductores:
sia capace communicar in Anglese e multe fluente in le linguage objectivo, preferibilemente lor linguage native
comprende le vocabulario technic associate al installation e administration de un systema Linux
sia usatores de Slackware
sia capace de leger e comprender simple scripts de shell
Ma anque si tu non incontra omne de iste expectationes, non hesita esser voluntari: il ha multe cargas que pote beneficiar de tu habilitates.
To volunteer as a translator, preferably use the Transifex platform: first register on Transifex (it’s free), then go to Transifex' Slint project page and click on HELP TRANSLATE "SLINT"
Si tu linguage es listate, pulsa sur illo, post in le pagina de celle linguage pulsa "unite al equipa".
Alteremente, pulsa "Require un linguage (in le lista blau clar justo super le lista de linguages
But if you’d like to ask questions before, or propose your help for other tasks than translation, send an email to Slint’s maintainer: didier (at) slint (dot) fr.
Postea tu consultara con tu coordinator de equipa o le mantenitor de Slint pro defini le "perque", "cosa", "como" e "quando" de tu contributiones a Slint.
Pro favor lege Practical recommendations for translators a basso.
Postea, deveni informate con le ligamine Tools que nos usa. Pro usar los meliormente tu necessitara haber installate un distribution de Linux, preferibilemente un compete systema Slackware, includente le sequente pacchettos:
../extra/aspell-words-lists/<pacchettos per tu linguage> per controlos orthographic
../kdei/<package kde-l10n pro tu linguage> pro localisar UI de Lokalize si tu lo usa
In le ultime loco, ma non minus importante, nos necessita travaliar insimul como equipa, assi:
Per favor registra te sur Transifex, anque si tu non usa su editor de rango, postea verifica omne notification settings, perque illo te face plus facile mantener omne contribuitores informate immediatemente re alique de interesse general. Per favor, indica tu nomine complete, anque si tu usa un pseudonymo.
Nos solidemente suggere que tu subscribe a slint-translators mailing-list. Isto permittera demandar e responder questiones, participar in discussiones, facer suggestiones e propositiones.
Sia preste per fornir un adresse de e-posta per permitter tu coordinator de equipa e le mantenitor de Slint per attinger te.
Tu anque pote usar le characteristica de Discussion disponibile in Transifex in le pagina de tu linguage del projecto Slint.
You can also follow this thread in Slackware forum of For that, register to LQ and either post a message in the thread, or display it then click Thread Tools ⇒ Subscribe to this Thread (in the dark blue stripe just above the first message displayed).
At time of writing the Slint installers and main Slackware administration tools are fully translated in Langues listed in our home page. Other translations are in progress, their current status can be checked on this page.
Paginas de manual es traducite in plure linguages, traductiones complete es listate in le file MAN_PAGES.TXT
Contento traducite prende le forma de files includente messages Anglese original al latere de lor traductiones, appellate files PO, producite e processate per GNU gettext. Cata date insimul de messages (in Anglese in caso de Slint) que debe esser traducite es registrate in un si-nominate file POT, ex le qual es generate un correspondente file PO pro cata linguage objectivo, vide see de_shell[Internationalization and localization of shell scripts] sur SlackDocs pro cognoscer plus.
On Transifex you will find two sets of files to translate, that Transifex calls "projects", that share their language teams:
The slint space host POT files gathering messages from one or several shell scripts or manual pages, that allow localization of the installers and administration tools. Please take care of these files priority.
The slintwebsite spaces hosts one POT file for each of our web pages plus one for the template used to uniformize the look and layout of all pages.
Here is the current list of the POT files in the slint space and their scopes (see page Tools to know how to use associated tools).
POT File name | Resource name (Transifex) | Scope | Associated tool |
slackware.pot |
Slint installer
Slint package (without man pages) | |
pkgtools.pot |
man pages contained in package pkgtools |
gen_man_pages |
slackpkg.pot |
man pages contained in package slackpkg |
gen_man_pages |
In the slintwebsite pages, the first part of each page name (before .pot) refers to the corresponding web page.
The web pages: slint.html, installer.html and package.html are intended to end users who do not speak English, so please translate them priority as well as template.pot after the files in the slint space.
The other web pages: Contribute, Translators, Tools and ChangeLog may also be translated, that’s up to each translation team.
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Per un date linguage, quando on traduce template.po il es melior lassar in anglese nomine de paginas web non (ancora) traducite, assi que visitatores comprendera que pulsar sur ligamines correspondente in le menu monstrara iste paginas in anglese. |
For your information, the web pages are generated from text files using the asciidoc software, and the PO and POT files converted back and forth using the po4a software.
Depending on the amount of work needed and available resources, there can be one translator or a team of translators per target language. In all cases, I recommend that at least one person be responsible for organizing the team’s work, checking the translations and transmitting the checked PO file to the maintainer(s). Let’s call this person the team coordinator.
Non sentir te obligate a traducer parola pro parola. Non solmente iste rarmente es le modo melior de transmitter le significato, ma in addition isto sovente duce a phrases troppo longe per adaptar se in le spatio permittite.
Usa un editor specific de PO, non un editor general de texto. Isto non solmente preveni de modificar inadvertentemente catenas msgid ma anque facilita lor travalio e automatisa controlos additional, como le presentia de un variabile in le traduction con le mesme orthographia del original.
Quando on traduce, selige un font serif fde largessa fixate (o "monospaced") , como. Celle permitte distinger visualmente characteres que alteremente semblarea le mesme, e controla le longitude del linea quando illo es importante. Si possibile, verifica le disposition del. Tu pote facer illo per observar le contexto in le file fonte relevante. anque melior, simplemente executa le script traducite. Isto es specialmente importante si tu es traducente quadratos de dialogo. In particular, assecura te non scriber sententias troppo longe sur un singule linea si illo appare que le texto non pote fluer sur le proxime
Tene in mente que in modo VGA (usate in installatores de texto, in particular), le largor es limitate theoricamente a 80 characteres, ma practicamente sovente a 74.
Non adde puncto de interrogation que non es presente in le message original.
Si le message refere a etiquettas o tags (texto sur le buttones) de quadros de dialogo, com "OK", "SI", "NO", "Continua", "Annulla", verifica como iste tags es traducite in tu linguage in le interfacie de dialogo e usa le mesme parolas.
Evita colloquialismos e argot technic
Per "taliar" (o terminar) un rango intra un quadrato de "dialogo" tu typara \n: pressante [Enter] non insertara un character dev"nove rango o newline" in le texto vidite per le usator.
In addition, tu debera conformar te al requirimentos de gettext proque il pote functionar:
Si un parola initiante con un signo de dollar es includite in le texto original il deberea esser presente in le traduction con exactemente le mesme orthographia (le differentia inter majusculas e minusculas es importante).
Le texto de traduction deberea includer un character de "nove rango o newline" (o line feed, representate per "\n") al initio o al fin, exactemente como le texto original face. Reciprocamente, si le texto original non ha le character, alora le traduction non deberea haber lo.
Un singule character de barra oblique inverse "\" non es permittite in le traduction.
Pro verificar tu traduction con le requirimentos de gettext tu poterea executar le sequente commando:
msgfmt -c <nomine del file PO>
Preserva accuratemente le syntaxe del paginas de man trovate in le marcation Anglese. Per exemplo non reimplacia:
B< con B < (non inserta un spatio)
B< con b< (mantene le B como majuscula - e non reimplacia lo per le littera majuscula Grec BETA que sembla le mesme sur le schermo)
"I" con | (non reimplacia le majuscula I con le symbolo de tubo pipe)
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Using a monospace serif font helps in that matter, whatever be the tool you use: Transifex' UI or a specialzed PO editor. |
Quando on traduce commandos de shell , preserva nomines Anglese de percursos quando il necessita. Ma tu pote e deberea traducer argumentos de esser reimplaciate per un valor como packagename